Parsley is an excellent medicinal herb; it improves digestion, relieves gas and constipation, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates hair growth. It's a great diuretic, therefore it benefits people with edema. Parsley is used for the inflammation of kidneys and bladder; both root and leaf is excellent for the liver and spleen. Parsley is high in Vitamin A, beta-carotene, Vitamin C and K. It is used for treating anemia because of its high iron content.
According to Dr. Heinerman, in his book called "Encyclopedia of Healing Juices", parsley is excellent for skin problems; eating large amounts of parsley may cure allergies, reduces cellular inflammation, and it's an excellent way for the body to detox from mercury.
Parsley is very easy to grow, and it can thrive in a pot on our balcony; it's worth giving it a try and validate what's claimed about it.
A review of my day...
I'm at the end of my seventh day, and at this point, my mouth craves the chewing and tasting of foods more than my stomach wants digestion. My energy level has been increasing since Day 4, my headache and irritability is gone. My milk supply stabilized and I'm back to nursing every 3-4 hours, and my baby girl slept almost seven hours last night before waking for her feeding. Here are the juices I drank today.
Green Juice
24 ounces
Click here for the recipe in my previous post.
Juice 2
Carrot Juice
24 ounces
Click here for the recipe in my previous post.
Juice 3
24 ounces of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.
Juice 4
1 bunch of spinach
1 cucumber
1 very small clove of garlic
1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. You have such a positive attitude that is really inspiring.