April 16, 2013

How We See Ourselves

You may wonder what Dove has to do with healthy eating? Well, nothing. But how we see ourselves has a lot to do with a healthy life. The better we treat ourselves, the more we'll see ourselves in a positive light. We are so used to comparing ourselves to everyone else, but we are all individuals with precious qualities that are worth cherishing. 

I believe our mental state and how we feel physically, have a lot to do with our eating habits. From personal experience, if we eat heavily processed and sugary foods, we will feel run-down, have sluggish digestion and skin issues. Why do we try to eat healthy and get exercise? It's because we are trying to take care of our body and mind. If we don't, who will? No one can force us to take care or neglect our health. It's a choice we need to make.

At times, we are so critical of ourselves that we cannot even comprehend the positive things others see in us. We need to change the way we treat ourselves. Even though this video is about women, I believe it applies to men as well.Often times we forget to point out the good qualities in our spouses, let's make a point of doing just that today. 

What do you think about this video?

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